西尾 真 / Shin Nishio


Work experience

Period Place Job title description
April 2022 - Current 日本学術振興会(JSPS) Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Research Fellowship for Young Scientists 特別研究員 DC1 特別研究員制度、書面審査区分:情報学 小区分:計算機システム関連 「量子インターコネクトを用いた量子クラスタ計算のシステムソフトウェア構築」 受入研究者:宇野 毅明 教授(総合研究大学院大学 複合科学研究科 情報学専攻) Grant Number JP22J20882
April 2022 - Current 沖縄科学技術大学院大学(OIST)Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University Teaching Fellowship Quantum Information Science and Technology Unit, led by Kae Nemoto
September 2023 - December 2023 University College London (UCL) Visiting Researcher Worked in QASTAL group. Supervised by Prof. Dan Browne. Supported by JSPS Overseas Challenge Program for Young Researchers (日本学術振興会若手研究者挑戦プログラム).
April 2020 - March 2022 国立情報学研究所(NII) National Institute of Informatics Research Assistant
July 2020 - December 2020 IBM東京基礎研究所 IBM Research - Tokyo Research And Development Intern IBM Quantum Challenge 2020 Problems Design and Judge.
November 2018 - March 2020 独立行政法人情報処理推進機構 IPA (Information-technology Promotion Agency, JAPAN), 経済産業省(Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Japan) Mitou Target 2018 / 2018年度未踏ターゲット事業(ゲート式量子コンピュータ部門) Exploratory IT Human Resources Project (MITOU TARGET Program) Adopted project: “Implementation and improvement of machine learning tools using quantum computers”, Shin Nishio, Ryosuke Sato, Yasuhiro Okura「量子コンピュータを用いた機械学習ツールの実装と改良」, 西尾 真, 佐藤 綾祐, 大倉 康寛
May 2018 – March 2022 Keio University Quantum Computing Center Development assistance for quantum computer interface, Q-LEAP Network-based research center for quantum information processing
April 2017 – March 2020 <Keio University SFC Media Center AV/Fab space AV / Fab Consultant Student Vice President / AV・Fabコンサルタント 副代表 Fab Space is a glass-windowed corner near the 1st floor entrance of the Media Center, and can be seen from the outside. This is where 3D Printers, 3D Scanners, Cutting Machines, Laser Cutter, and Sewing Machines (regular and embroidery) are located, and users can experience digitalized craftwork. AV Counter or Fab Space staff is available to answer any inquiries.
2017 Link-U inc. Application development, part time job -
year semester subject number class teacher description
2018 春学期 spring 14270 線形の理論 LINEAR ALGEBRA(GIGA) 佐藤 貴彦特任助教 Project Research Associate Takahiko Satoh For students who follow the school rules of 2007, content is the same as “LINEAR ALGEBRA[DS1](GIGA/GG/GI)”(simultaneous holding).
2018 春学期 spring B3104 線形代数 LINEAR ALGEBRA[DS1](GIGA/GG/GI) 佐藤 貴彦特任助教 Project Research Associate Takahiko Satoh Some of the material / code I wrote
2018 秋学期 autumn 14330 不確実性と情報 INFORMATION AND UNCERTAINTY(GIGA) 佐藤 貴彦特任助教 Project Research Associate Takahiko Satoh For students who follow the school rules of 2007, content is the same as “PROBABILITY[DS1](GIGA/GG/GI)”(simultaneous holding).
2018 秋学期 autumn B3102 確率 PROBABILITY[DS1](GIGA/GG/GI) 佐藤 貴彦特任助教 Project Research Associate Takahiko Satoh
2017 春学期 spring 32140 地域と社会(欧州・CIS)REGION AND SOCIETY(EUROPE AND CIS COUNTRIES) 横手 慎二教授 Prof. Shinji Yokote For students who follow the school rules of 2007, content is the same as “REGION AND SOCIETY(EUROPE AND CIS COUNTRIES)”(simultaneous holding).
2017 春学期 spring C1102 地域と社会(欧州・CIS)REGION AND SOCIETY(EUROPE AND CIS COUNTRIES) 横手 慎二教授 Prof. Shinji Yokote


Multiplexed Quantum Communication with Surface and Hypergraph Product Codes


Connecting multiple processors via quantum interconnect technologies could help to overcome issues of scalability in single-processor quantum computers. Transmission via these interconnects can be performed more efficiently using quantum multiplexing, where information is encoded in high-dimensional photonic degrees of freedom. We explore the effects of multiplexing on logical error rates in surface codes and hypergraph product codes. We show that, although multiplexing makes loss errors more damaging, assigning qubits to photons in an intelligent manner can minimize these effects, and the ability to encode higher-distance codes in a smaller number of photons can result in overall lower logical error rates. This multiplexing technique can also be adapted to quantum communication and multimode quantum memory with high-dimensional qudit systems.

Photonic quantum signatures of chaos and boson sampling


Boson sampling is a paradigmatic example of a task that can be performed by a quantum photonic computer yet is hard for digital classical computers. In a typical boson sampling experiment, the scattering amplitude is determined by the permanent of a submatrix of a unitary drawn from an ensemble of random matrices. Random matrix theory plays a very important role in quite diverse fields while at the same time being intimately related to quantum signatures of chaos. Within this framework, a chaotic quantum system exhibits level statistics characteristic of ensembles of random matrices. Such quantum signatures are encoded in the unitary evolution and so in this work we combine the dynamics of chaotic systems with boson sampling. One of the key results of our work is that we demonstrate the intimate relation between out-of-time-order correlators and boson sampling. We show that the unitary dynamics of a Floquet system may be exploited to perform sampling tasks with identical particles using single-mode phase shifters and multiport beamsplitters. At the end of our paper propose a photonic implementation of the multiparticle kicked rotor, which provides a concrete example of our general approach.

Hardness of braided quantum circuit optimization in the surface code


Large-scale quantum information processing requires the use of quantum error correcting codes to mitigate the effects of noise in quantum devices. Topological error-correcting codes, such as surface codes, are promising candidates as they can be implemented using only local interactions in a two-dimensional array of physical qubits. Procedures such as defect braiding and lattice surgery can then be used to realize a fault-tolerant universal set of gates on the logical space of such topological codes. However, error correction also introduces a significant overhead in computation time, the number of physical qubits, and the number of physical gates. While optimizing fault-tolerant circuits to minimize this overhead is critical, the computational complexity of such optimization problems remains unknown. This ambiguity leaves room for doubt surrounding the most effective methods for compiling fault-tolerant circuits for a large-scale quantum computer. In this paper, we show that the optimization of a special subset of braided quantum circuits is NP-hard by a polynomial-time reduction of the optimization problem into a specific problem called Planar Rectilinear 3SAT.

InQuIR: Intermediate Representation for Interconnected Quantum Computers


Various physical constraints limit the number of qubits that can be implemented in a single quantum processor, and thus it is necessary to connect multiple quantum processors via quantum interconnects. While several compiler implementations for interconnected quantum computers have been proposed, there is no suitable representation as their compilation target. The lack of such representation impairs the reusability of compiled programs and makes it difficult to reason formally about the complicated behavior of distributed quantum programs. We propose InQuIR, an intermediate representation that can express communication and computation on distributed quantum systems. InQuIR has formal semantics that allows us to describe precisely the behaviors of distributed quantum programs. We give examples written in InQuIR to illustrate the problems arising in distributed programs, such as deadlock. We present a roadmap for static verification using type systems to deal with such a problem. We also provide software tools for InQuIR and evaluate the computational costs of quantum circuits under various conditions. Our tools are available at this URL.

Impact of the form of weighted networks on the quantum extreme reservoir computation


The quantum extreme reservoir computation (QERC) is a versatile quantum neural network model that combines the concepts of extreme machine learning with quantum reservoir computation. Key to QERC is the generation of a complex quantum reservoir (feature space) that does not need to be optimized for different problem instances. Originally, a periodically driven system Hamiltonian dynamics was employed as the quantum feature map. In this work we capture how the quantum feature map is generated as the number of time-steps of the dynamics increases by a method to characterize unitary matrices in the form of weighted networks. Furthermore, to identify the key properties of the feature map that has sufficiently grown, we evaluate it with various weighted network models that could be used for the quantum reservoir in image classification situations. At last, we show how a simple Hamiltonian model based on a disordered discrete time crystal with its simple implementation route provides nearly optimal performance while removing the necessity of programming of the quantum processor gate by gate.

Resource Reduction in Multiplexed High-Dimensional Quantum Reed-Solomon Codes


Quantum communication technologies will play an important role in quantum information processing in the near future as we network devices together. However, their implementation is still a challenging task due to both loss and gate errors. Quantum error correction codes are one important technique to address this issue. In particular, the Quantum Reed-Solomon codes are known to be quite efficient for quantum communication tasks. The high degree of physical resources required, however, makes such a code difficult to use in practice. A recent technique called quantum multiplexing has been shown to reduce resources by using multiple degrees of freedom of a photon. In this work, we propose a method to decompose multi-controlled gates using fewer CX gates via this quantum multiplexing technique. We show that our method can significantly reduce the required number of CX gates needed in the encoding circuits for the quantum Reed-Solomon code. Our approach is also applicable to many other quantum error correction codes and quantum algorithms, including Grovers and quantum walks.

Extracting Success from IBM’s 20-Qubit Machines Using Error-Aware Compilation


NISQ (Noisy, Intermediate-Scale Quantum) computing requires error mitigation to achieve meaningful computation. Our compilation tool development focuses on the fact that the error rates of individual qubits are not equal, with a goal of maximizing the success probability of real-world subroutines such as an adder circuit. We begin by establishing a metric for choosing among possible paths and circuit alternatives for executing gates between variables placed far apart within the processor and test our approach on two IBM 20-qubit systems named Tokyo and Poughkeepsie. We find that a single-number metric describing the fidelity of individual gates is a useful but imperfect guide. Our compiler uses this subsystem and maps complete circuits onto the machine using a beam search-based heuristic that will scale as processor and program sizes grow. To evaluate the whole compilation process, we compiled and executed adder circuits, then calculated the Kullback–Leibler divergence (KL-divergence, a measure of the distance between two probability distributions). For a circuit within the capabilities of the hardware, our compilation increases estimated success probability and reduce KL-divergence relative to an error-oblivious placement.

Invited Talk

Quantum Error Correction and Quantum Multiplexing

International Conference

Operations on graph states and flows

Surface Code Communication with Quantum Multiplexing

Computational complexity of optimizing defect braiding quantum circuits by reordering qubits

Reducing the resources needed to implement quantum error correction codes using quantum multiplexing

Bridging the gap between theory and implementation via system software construction for quantum computing


In recent years, the development of quantum computers has accelerated, and the number of qubits implemented on a quantum processor is rapidly increasing. In order to handle such processors, there is a growing trend to implement system software and language processing systems for quantum computers. This has revealed the practical resources required to implement quantum algorithms and quantum communication protocols that have been proposed theoretically, as well as efficient ways to handle quantum circuits. Furthermore, quantum programming contests are now being held using quantum programming SDKs such as Qiskit, enabling a deeper understanding of quantum computation through small-scale implementations of algorithms. In addition, by describing various quantum applications as concrete code, it has become clear what functions a language processor for quantum computers should have and even what kind of computational difficulties it may face. In this presentation, in addition to results and issues related to language processing systems for quantum computers, I will introduce InQuIR, an intermediate representation for distributed quantum computation[1].
[1] Shin Nishio and Ryo Wakizaka. (2022). InQuIR: Intermediate Representation for Interconnected Quantum Computers. In The 4th International Workshop on Quantum Resource Estimation (QRE2022).

InQuIR: Intermediate Representation for Interconnected Quantum Compters


Various physical constraints limit the number of qubits that can be implemented in a single quantum processor, and thus it is necessary to connect multiple quantum processors via quantum interconnects. While several compiler implementations for interconnected quantum computers have been proposed, there is no suitable programming language as their compilation target. We propose InQuIR, an intermediate language that can express communication and computation on distributed systems. InQuIR allows various compilation strategies to be evaluated under the same configuration and enhances the reusability of programs. Furthermore, InQuIR facilitates the introduction of static program analysis, such as type systems, to verify that a given program does not have specific program errors and bugs. We also discuss the challenges inherent in quantum programs running on distributed systems, such as failure of communication because of qubit memory exhaustion.
Index Terms: Quantum Interconnect, Quantum Computer Cluster, Distributed Quantum Computation, Quantum Programming Language

Hardness of braided quantum circuit optimization in the surface code


Large-scale quantum information processing requires using error-correcting codes to achieve fault-tolerant quantum computation (FTQC). However, FTQC has significant resource requirements. Optimization of FTQC circuits is therefore an important problem, but its computational complexity in common FTQC models, specifically for braided surface code quantum computation, remains unknown. This ambiguity leaves room for doubt surrounding the most efficient circuits and compilation methods. In this paper, we show that the optimization of a special subset of braided quantum circuits is NP-hard and that as a result so too is the problem of braided circuit optimization more generally.
Keywords: Fault-tolerant quantum computation, Quantum circuit optimization, Surface code, Braiding Circuits, Computational Complexity, NP-complete, Planar rectilinear 3SAT

Resource Reduction in Multiplexed High-Dimensional Quantum Reed-Solomon Codes

Compilation Process for Multi-Controlled Gates in Qiskit

High Fidelity Qubit Mapping for IBM Q

High Fidelity Qubit Mapping for IBM Q

An Automated Tool for Mapping Program Variables to Qubits on the IBM Q Topologies

Symposium and workshops

量子ビット順序変更による Defect Braiding 量子回路最適化の計算量

InQuIR: Intermediate Representation for Interconncted Quantum Computers




High Fidelity Qubit Mapping for IBMQ (poster) 最優秀ポスター賞


An Automated Tool for Mapping Program Variables to Qubits on the IBM Q Topologies (poster)



競プロ Programming contest



